Category Archives: Colostrum

Information about colostrum, benefits, research, feedback.

Colostrum 101

This information is from the suppliers of the colostrum used in our Lazu Manuka Honey & Colostrum Formula. About Colostrum Colostrum is a form of milk produced in mammals just prior to giving birth. It contains antibodies that protect against disease and infection. These antibodies, called immunoglobulins, are major components of the adaptive immune system […]

The “Gut” and its role in Health and Vitality

“All disease begins in the gut.”  -Hippocrates With the variety of things that wreak havoc on our digestive systems these days, it may seem impossible to try to get back in balance and restore yourself to optimal health. But it’s not just about digestive issues alone, as gastrointestinal health can be the root cause for […]

How Does Colostrum Provide More Energy?

Secreted in the few days immediately following birth, bovine colostrum is known to contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals that may contribute to better health. If you are feeling sluggish or find that you could use more stamina in your day-to-day, colostrum may just provide you with the energy that you need. Learn […]
