Category Archives: Testimonials

A list of product reviews and case studies from Lazu product users.

Kingi Williams, Sydney Australia

Introducing my wife Mirika who suffered a life threatening stroke on the 18 Jan 2017. Several times in the first 72 hours we were told to expect her not to survive. She is currently suffering from a condition called Asphasia which severely affects her speech and cognitive skills. There has been slow progress over the […]

Colin, New zealand

I have been using Lazu Manuka Honey & Colostrum Wellness & Health Formula for just over a month, I have to say the benefits have been spectacular. I suffer with food & gluten allergies, stomach bloating and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) symptoms. I have had significantly less flare ups since using the product. In conjunction […]

Brad, New Zealand

“I’ve been using Lazu Health & Wellbeing for over a month now and have already noticed a real difference. It’s no gimmicky ‘overnight miracle formula’. It’s helped to boost my overall energy levels and keep my immune system at the top of its game. With the change in season I’m usually out of action with […]

Byron, New Zealand

Sleepless nights and tired days have become a thing of the past, being an IBS (Irritable bowel Syndrome) sufferer you know exactly what I’m talking about. I’m not a fan of taking regular prescription medication so was happy to find this natural alternative and with only one dosage per day. Immediate affects you notice is […]

Chuang Sha Wan, Hong Kong

一年前,我開始有腸胃唔舒服,每天拉稀,身體虛弱,無精神,在香港和内地去醫院做了胃鏡、腸鏡檢查多次,都無發現問題。西藥,中藥喫了不少,雖然每天拉稀的次數減少了,但沒有根本好轉。朋友從紐西蘭寄給我一罐LAZU,讓我試一試。堅持每天早上喝,開始3天,拉稀次數還增加了,很疑心,朋友幫忙直接聯係新西蘭公司HEALTHY START (NZ) Ltd. 他們的建議是繼續飲用。我心裏好懷疑,但念麥盧卡蜂蜜和牛初乳都是天然的東西,唔是化學藥物,就堅持試一試吧。從第10天開始,大便就一天一次了,到兩周的時候,大便不稀了,有形狀了。一罐喫完以後,覺得精力、體力好好多。我已經停止了西藥,中藥,只服用LAZU麥盧卡蜂蜜牛初乳配方粉。恢復了健康,比什麽都開心。我已經又買了兩罐,繼續飲用。這次經歷太不一般。我也推薦給了我的朋友,希望所有跟我有一樣症状的人也試一試,我的親身體驗相信LAZU唔會叫你哋失望。 鄭吳艷佳 香港長沙灣 A year ago, I began to have problem with my stomach and gut, had loose bowels several times a day. I was very weak and no energy. I saw the doctors and went to the hospital in Hong Kong and the mainland of China, did many different test, […]

Zhang Min, Shenzhen, China

  经商很多年,东奔西跑,生活没有规律,渐渐觉得力不从心,硬着头皮洽谈、宴请,浑身不舒服。今年6月大学同学送给我两罐新西兰这个保健品LAZU麦卢卡蜂蜜牛初乳混合粉,喝了以后,大便好了,睡觉好了,精力充沛,又买了一箱。还要感谢老婆,我出差也给我用小袋分装好。我会继续喝,都是天然成分,不会有任何副作用。 张敏,深圳,中国   Doing business for many years, tired for business trip, no regular routine, gradually feel powerless, hard to negotiate, banquet, all of my body uncomfortable. In June this year, my university classmate gave me two cans of New Zealand health products LAZU manuka colostrum formula powder. After drinking it, I had good […]

Zhu Hua, Hong Kong, China

  我是个肠胃病长期患者,去年腹泻超过一年,身体虚弱,无力。在读了LAZU(拉祖)的产品介绍后,感觉很对我的病症,愿意尝试一下,饮用了一罐之后,肠道病症有所减轻,腹泻也缓解了。我想长期饮用LAZU这个产品,一定会对我有进一步的帮助。 朱桦,香港,中国   I used to be a gastroenteric patient for a long time. Last year I have had diarrhea for over a year. I was weak and no energy. After reading the introduction of product LAZU, I thought maybe it is good for me, I was willing to try it. After drinking a […]

Lily, Wellington, New Zealand

我今年60岁,患失眠好几年,靠吃安眠药才能睡一个晚上。去年8月开始每天腹泻两次,浑身无力,连吸地毯都觉得累。看了中医,说我脾虚,吃了中药,并未全好。今年4月,偶然的机会开始喝LAZU(拉祖),两周后大便就正常了。三周后渐渐睡眠也好了,可以睡一晚上,即使半夜去一趟厕所,回来后能很快又睡着。还不仅仅是这些好处。 我在幼儿园兼职,到了冬季,小朋友之间传染病毒,流行感冒频发,老师也是。今年冬季我没有感冒,也就是说我没有被病毒感染,我的免疫力提高了。因为还有其他兼职,我每天只能睡6个小时左右,但是因为睡眠质量高了,也并不觉得困乏。我每天精力充沛,健康,有活力,周围的人都说,看上去我比实际年龄年轻很多。我可以努力工作,享受假期,有一个高品质的生活。 我一直每早喝LAZU到现在有半年多了,切实感受到了它带给我的好处,这正是我所需要的。我会继续服用,保持健康。我喜欢他们公司广告上的第一句话:“健康是一种自由,…… 在一切自由中首屈一指。” Lily, 惠灵顿, 新西兰   I am 60 years old and suffered insomnia for several years. I started to get diarrhea twice a day from last August, no energy and I felt tired even just vacuuming. After seeing a traditional Chinese doctor, he said I got spleen deficiency. and Chinese medicine did […]